This challenge is closed to submissions.

NIHHIS Heat Tabletop Exercise Planning Challenge (Inflation Reduction Act)
Exploring extreme heat scenarios to build equitable resilience

Submission period:
Closed on 11/16/24 04:59 AM UTCTotal cash prizes:
Extreme heat is one of the leading causes of weather-related illness and death in the United States, causing more fatalities in a typical year than hurricanes, tornadoes, severe storms, and floods. Rising temperatures in recent decades have exacerbated heat-related health impacts as well as impacts to livelihoods and infrastructure. These impacts will likely continue to increase if action is not taken to understand exposure to heat impacts, who is most at risk, and what actions can be taken to reduce risk in the short- and long-term. To become more resilient to these events, communities across the U.S. are developing heat action plans and updating all-hazard plans to prepare for extreme heat’s impacts on people, businesses, and critical infrastructure. Many of these new heat plans have not yet been tested (or exercised). The National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) and NOAA’s Regional Collaboration Network are hosting this challenge to invite local governments, in close collaboration with community members and leaders, to develop Heat Tabletop Exercise Situation Manuals complete with realistic extreme heat scenarios to exercise heat action plans. In particular, the situation manuals should fuel tabletop exercises that build equitable resilience to extreme heat, linking shorter-term preparedness and response with longer-term planning and risk mitigation. The Challenge provides an opportunity for state, tribal, local, and territorial governments to work with community-based organizations and other key partners in developing situation manuals for novel heat tabletop exercises. Prizes will be awarded for up to ten (10) Situation Manuals.
NIHHIS is an interagency, Integrated Information System supporting equitable heat resilience. The program office is hosted by NOAA, but the interagency working group includes members from 25 federal departments and agencies. NIHHIS develops and provides actionable, science-based information to help protect people from heat. Its mission is to build societal understanding of heat risks, develop science-based solutions, and improve capacity, communication, and decision-making to reduce heat-related illness and death. NIHHIS envisions a heat-resilient nation that is empowered to effectively address extreme heat and its impacts.
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, NOAA, NIHHIS, and local partners in Las Vegas, NV; Phoenix, AZ; Miami, FL; and Charleston, SC completed a pilot project called “Building Equitable Resilience to Extreme Heat.” The project supported state and local initiatives designed to reduce the negative impacts of extreme heat events, especially for disproportionately affected populations. One of the key phases of this project was tabletop exercises, which are collaborative planning tools that simulate emergency situations in an informal environment and allow emergency management experts and partners to imagine a high-impact event before it happens to reduce impacts through risk mitigation, planning, and preparedness. These exercises can empower communities to evaluate their plans and response, identify and remediate gaps, and put the extreme heat event into a climate change context for longer term planning.
For this pilot project, these exercises were developed with a diverse set of participants (including representatives from community-based organizations who have not historically been included in such efforts) and focused not only on heat preparedness and response, but also on building equitable long-term resilience to heat. The tabletops exercised existing heat plans and governance, and helped participants learn about good practices and areas for improvement. They also paved the way for other communities to apply similar scenarios so that they too can take a unique, place-based approach to help communities better understand, prepare for, and respond to extreme heat events.
This Challenge seeks submissions of Situational Manuals for a Heat Tabletop Exercise co-developed by local governments and community-based organizations. These manuals provide participants with all the necessary tools for their roles in the tabletop exercise. The goals of these exercises will include:
- Fostering connections among the many diverse parties with a role to play in heat resilience, planning, preparedness, and response - such as emergency management, resilience and sustainability offices, community-based organizations, health care and public health stakeholders, and utility providers.
- A focus on addressing systemic challenges to improving heat resilience and opportunities to improve collaboration and services to better address heat health for disproportionately affected populations.
- Development of thoughtful and innovative exercises that enable tabletop participants to understand the many impacts of extreme heat, their causal mechanisms, and the short- and long-term solutions to manage those impacts, particularly on groups at greatest risk.
- After Action Reports from the heat resilience exercises that clarify roles and responsibilities, update existing short- and long-term plans, and provide recommendations for improved community resilience to extreme heat.
- Novel use of climate, weather, health, socioeconomic, demographic, and other data and narratives in designing and developing the exercises as well as to bridge consideration of shorter-term (preparedness, response) and longer-term (planning, resilience) needs to manage heat risk.
This Challenge Competition is focused on the development of a Situation Manual, which is the deliverable that will be evaluated and considered for a prize. Development of this Manual is one part of a longer and more involved process to plan and execute a full Tabletop Exercise. The full process can take six to nine months from the initiation of the planning team to the actual execution of the tabletop exercise. This competition is scoped to focus solely on the development of the Situation Manual. Whether teams are awarded a prize or not, we encourage them to consider using the Manuals to run a Tabletop Exercise. The recently published Introduction to Heat Tabletop Planning and Coordination should be informative for both developing the Situation Manual and organizing the Exercise.
Total cash prizes
Prize description
Up to 10 winners will be selected. The overall number of winners will evenly divide a total cash prize pool of $200,000. For example, if 10 winners are ultimately selected, each winner will receive $20,000.
The funding for this competition will be provided by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Eligibility requirements
Any U.S.-based organizations are eligible to submit a Situational Manual; however, the project must be focused on a specific locality or localities (e.g. city, county, state, tribal community, etc.) dealing with heat.
There must be at least two authors/organizations on the submission, one representing a community-based organization (CBO) that serves an at-risk group, and one representing a non-Federal state, tribal, local, or territorial government ( e.g., Emergency Management Agency/Office/Department, Resilience or Sustainability Agency/Office/Department, etc.). For this competition, we define CBO rather broadly, as it should be a non-profit that operates within a specific community or geographical area, aiming to address local needs and improve the well-being of its residents. The At-Risk Group page identifies several groups that are at increased risk of extreme heat. If your at-risk group is not on this list, please provide a supplemental paragraph or two as to why your at-risk group is at risk of extreme heat impacts. Resources to consider when defining at-risk groups include Urban Heat Island Mapping campaigns, the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, or the Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool to explain why your community is at risk of extreme heat and how the CBO serves this group.
These eligible entities must be led by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States who is 18 years of age or older.
Individuals or organizations must not be a federal entity or federal employee acting within the scope of their employment with the Federal Government and may not have relied on any facilities, access, personnel, knowledge, or other resources available to them because of their employment, except for those resources available to all participants on an equal basis.
Either the community-based organization (CBO) or the SLTT can submit the SitMan through, but the Cover Page should specify who will be the primary recipient of the prize money, as it should be only one organization. It is then up to the winners on how to distribute the prize money accordingly.
Federal employees participating as individuals, or who make a submission as part of or on behalf of an otherwise eligible entity, are responsible for ensuring that their participation in the Competition is permitted by the rules and regulations relevant to their position and that they have obtained any authorization that may be required by virtue of their government position. Failure to do so may result in disqualification of them individually or of the entity which they represent or in which they are involved.
Submitting individuals must not be a judge of the challenge, or any other party involved with the design, production, execution, or distribution of the Challenge or the immediate family of such a party (e.g. spouse, parent, stepparent, child, or stepchild).
To be eligible to win a prize under the challenge, those entering:
- Must agree to participate in the competition under the rules and abide by the terms and conditions in this notice, and
- Must comply with all submission, content, and format requirements.
A submission may be disqualified if it is found to provide false inaccurate or incomplete information.
Participants may be asked to provide additional confirmation of their eligibility. NOAA will determine whether applicants meet eligibility criteria.
Situation Manuals need to be converted from Word to PDF in order to submit within If you have issues with converting, visit: Submissions must include all sections identified in the provided template.
Using the provided template and consulting the Heat Tabletop Exercise Planning Guide, applicants will co-develop and submit a Situational Manual, the primary planning document for a tabletop exercise in their local community focused on extreme heat. As stated above, applicants must co-develop these Situation Manuals with a local government employee and an employee of a community-based organization that represents a group that is at heightened risk of heat-related impacts. Additional suggestions for co-development are available in the Tabletop Exercise Planning Guide.
Intellectual Property:
- Winning submissions will be posted on and announced within two months of the competition closing. By entering a submission under this challenge all participants authorize the posting of their submission(s) on
- Submissions and winners names may be used by NOAA/NIHHIS in connection with this Competition and the production, distribution, promotion, broadcast at public meetings/conferences, and online posting thereof.
- Challenge winners are responsible for complying with applicable copyright and intellectual property laws for any materials used in their submissions. Participants should seek legal guidance if they have questions about using copyrighted materials.
Non-endorsement: NOAA and NOAA officials do not endorse any product, service, or enterprise that may appear in submission materials. Furthermore, by recognizing winning submissions, NOAA is not endorsing any products, services, or enterprises that may appear in those submissions.
Terms and conditions
Only the winners of the Competition will receive an award.
NOAA reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or modify the Challenge, or any part of it, for any reason, at NOAA’s sole discretion.
Each individual or team may be involved in the development or submission of more than one Situation Manual to this Challenge, provided that each submission addresses a unique location. Multiple submissions from the same source will not be disqualified and will not be judged any differently than the rest of the submissions, provided that the participants and submissions are eligible, meet all requirements, and comply with all rules as stated in this Challenge notice.
Only Situation Manuals that fulfill all requirements and are submitted by the deadline will be accepted into the competition.
By participating in this challenge, participants represent, warrant, and agree:
- To assume any and all risks and waive claims against the federal government and its related entities, except in the case of willful misconduct, for any injury, death, damage, or loss of property, revenue, or profits, whether direct, indirect, or consequential, arising from their participation in this prize contest, whether the injury, death, damage, or loss arises through negligence or otherwise.
- To indemnify the federal government against third-party claims for damages arising from or related to Challenge activities.
- To release, discharge, and hold harmless NOAA and U.S. Department of Commerce, and its agents, contractors, and employees, from any loss arising out of participation in Challenge activities and the acceptance, use, or misuse of any award(s).
- That, by submitting a Situation Manual, applicants confirm that they have the written consent of any person or business that is listed as a co-submitter of the concept note.
- That it is their sole responsibility to review and understand their employers’ policies regarding eligibility to participate in this prize challenge. If applicants are participating in violation of employee policies, they may be disqualified from entering and/or receiving prizes. NOAA disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for disputes arising between an employee and their employer related to the competition, and prizes will only be awarded in compliance with the employer's policies.
- That they are the sole authors, creators, and owners of the submission, including the data, methods, or ideas provided in the submission (the content); the submission and its contents are not the subject of any actual or threatened litigation or claim; the submission and its content do not and will not violate or infringe upon the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, or other legal rights of any third party; and the submission, its contents, and their use of the submission, does not and will not violate any applicable laws or regulations, including, without limitation, applicable export control laws and regulations of the United States and other jurisdictions. If the submission or its contents includes any third-party works (such as third-party content or open-source code), they must provide NOAA with all appropriate licenses and releases for such third-party works. If they cannot provide all such required licenses and releases, NOAA reserves the right, in NOAA’s sole discretion, to disqualify the applicable submission.
- That any data provided as part of the submission is compliant with any confidentiality or privacy law, rule, regulation, terms of service, contract terms, or any other restrictions on or obligations regarding or related to the ownership, retention, disclosure, or use of the submitted data. NOAA reserves the right to request documentation that shows compliance with this provision and, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any submission that fails to produce sufficient documentation of compliance or otherwise does not comply with this provision.
- That this Challenge is subject to and governed by the federal laws of the United States and the forum for any dispute will be the United States Federal Courts.
- Submission of any multimedia supporting material via web links must be free of malware. Participants agree that the NOAA Bureau may conduct testing on any relevant links to determine whether malware or other security threats may be present. NOAA may disqualify the application(s) if, in NOAA’s sole discretion, materials contained in the application have damaged or may damage government or others' equipment or operating environment. If this Competition is not capable of running as planned, due to fraud, tampering or any technical failures beyond the NOAA’s control, or any circumstances that affect the security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Competition, NOAA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any participant(s) responsible and/or to cancel, modify, or suspend this Competition in whole or in part.
- The submitting team must not use government logos or official seals and must not claim endorsement by NOAA or Department of Commerce.
Submissions will first be screened to ensure all requirements stated in the contest rules have been followed; noncompliant submissions will not be considered further. Compliant submissions will then be rated by a panel of reviewers who are familiar with the subject matter using a 5 point scale. Each application will be scored for each category identified in the Competition Judging Guidelines, and a final overall score for each application will be calculated as a weighted average according to the percentages in the Guidelines. Applications with a final average score less than 3 will be removed from further consideration for prize funds. The remaining applications will be ranked from highest to lowest scoring, with the top 10 applications each receiving an equal portion of the prize pool. If fewer than 10 applications remain in consideration during the ranking, the prize pool will be evenly split among them
A panel of judges made up of subject matter experts will evaluate the submissions on the criteria identified below. Judges will be fair and impartial, may not have a personal or financial interest in, or be an employee, officer, director, or agent of, any entity that is a registered participant in the competition, and may not have a familial or financial relationship with an individual who is a registered contestant. The panel will select winners based upon the criteria outlined below and in compliance with the Competition Judging Guidelines. Entries not in compliance with the submission requirements outlined below will be ineligible for further review and prize award. Additional factors may be considered in determining who will receive support, such as geographic diversity across the country.
Competition Judging Guidelines -
- Completeness (10%) - Did the Situation manual contain all of the components in the template, and was it a complete and finished product with all necessary details included?
- Extreme, yet realistic (20%) - Was the scenario that was elaborated in the Situation Manual an extreme, but plausible scenario of a heat event and impacts that could happen in the community within the next decade? (E.g., a power outage causing a surge in the need for shelters and hospital beds is realistic; space aliens focusing a death ray on a community is not). Did you use climate and weather information (e.g., from, a heat scenario from a climate projection such as the Climate Explorer), as well as impact information, to develop a baseline heat event?
- Creativity and detail (20%) - Did the scenario provide interesting and thoughtful examples of cascading and compounding impacts, or impacts to populations that are usually not factored into scenario-based tabletop exercises? Is the scenario innovative in the way that it is structured, in the techniques and injections used to foster discussion and collaboration? Is the exercise itself proposed to be held in an interesting or heat-relevant location (such as an Emergency Operations Center or active cooling center)?
- Actionable (20%) - Was the scenario developed with both community stakeholders and leaders/decision-makers who are invested in gaming out the scenario in a tabletop exercise? Is the scenario appropriate for an exercise focused on both short-term planning and preparedness as well as longer-term risk mitigation? Have exercise planners identified clear objectives for the exercise and plans they wish to test with the exercise?
- Inclusiveness & Representativeness (30%) - Is your scenario representative of the many diverse populations in your community and their risks? Were they included in the development of the scenario? Will the tabletop exercise enhance environmental justice initiatives in your community?
NOAA reserves the right not to award some or all prizes if a quality threshold is not met.
Submit the following:
- Cover page (can be same or separate attachment as the SitMan), providing basic information about the submission, including for each of the two required submitters (CBO representative and SLTT government representative):
- Last Name
- First Name
- Affiliation/Organization
- Position/Title
- In what locality do you intend to run your tabletop exercise? (e.g. Seattle, WA)
- The award money will go to a single organization for each winning submission; you may specify your intent to distribute the prize to any partners if you wish.
- A Situational Manual, which provides participants all the tools needed for their roles in an exercise, and that includes logistical details for how you would run a tabletop exercise. See Miami's Situational Manual as an example under the Resources tab, the template, and the Introduction to Heat Tabletop Planning and Coordination guide. The SitMan should include the following:
- Exercise scope, objectives, and core capabilities
- The objectives should be linked to the core capabilities, which are distinct critical elements necessary to achieve the specific mission area(s). Real events should guide the determination of objectives and the aligned core capabilities.
- Exercise assumptions and artificialities
- Exercise structure and guidelines - list the modules and how the exercise will ensure varying viewpoints are respected, for example.
- Exercise scenario - this should include:
- Weather information - National Weather Service forecasts and outlooks on the monthly, 14-day, 7-day, and 3-day timescales all to test familiarity and responses within the community, and climate information such as from NOAA Climate at a Glance or the Climate Explorer.
- The Modules within the scenario (e.g., outlook & preparedness, managing risk for the long-term, and improving the response)
- Discussion questions and key issues - these will be written within each Module
- Schedule of events and day-of logistics (see Appendices A & D in the template)
- List of attendees:
- This may be preliminary but should include
- representatives from the local government
- emergency management agencies
- healthcare providers
- public utilities
- transportation agencies
- housing agencies
- community organizations
- other relevant entities.
- See Miami's Situational Manual for an example.
- You may also use the participant attendee spreadsheet template. This is a non-exhaustive list, but may be helpful when thinking about who to include.
- This may be preliminary but should include
- Describe how this scenario will be developed with both community stakeholders and leaders or decision-makers. Information should especially focus on how diverse populations were included in the development of this scenario, and how this exercise will enhance environmental justice initiatives in your community (see p. 2 of the template).
- An Existing Heat Plan - an extra section included in the SitMan template, so judges can learn what existing heat plans you may wish to test with this exercise. If there are no existing heat plans, include a statement explaining such and how this exercise may lead to the development of one.
- Exercise scope, objectives, and core capabilities
Submit your entry through the submission portal:
- Submissions of this competition are due by November 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. The identified Official Representative may apply of this competition by submitting an application through
- Create a Challenge.Gov Account
- Log into Challenge.Gov
- Click the orange Apply for this Challenge button in the overview section at the top of the Challenge page.
- Title: Enter the title of your submission
- Brief Description: Provide a brief 2 sentence summary (500 characters or less) of your situational manual.
- Long description: Write "See attached situational manual"
- To load a file to the submission:
- Step 1: Drag your file or click the "Choose from folder" link to load a file from your computer (Allowed file types: .pdf, .txt, .csv, .jpg, .png or .tiff)
- Step 2: Rename your file (required)
- Step 3: Click the blue "Attach File" button to attach your file to the submission.
- Step 4: Complete this step for all files.
- Optional: to Submit an external URL: Add your submission URL to the "external URL" field.
- To complete your submission:
- Check the box for Acknowledgement of Rules, Terms & Conditions to confirm you have read all content on the Rules tab for this Challenge.
- Click the Review and Submit button at the bottom of the page.
- Click the Submit button to enter.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have signed up to using a .gov email address, the system will automatically default to a challenge manager account, and you will have trouble applying. If you are having issues because of this and have already registered, please email
I do not explicitly work at a community-based organization or "a non-Federal state, tribal, local, or territorial government (SLTT)". Am I still eligible to apply?
In order for your submission to be eligible, you need to co-develop the Situational Manual with a community-based organization (CBO) that serves an at-risk group or a SLTT. For this competition, we define CBO rather broadly, as it should be a non-profit that operates within a specific community or geographical area, aiming to address local needs and improve the well-being of its residents. The judges will also review if leaders/decision-makers who are invested in addressing heat resilience at a local government level will also be involved. If not clear in your organization's title, be explicit as to who would be receiving these funds and benefitting from this exercise.
Does the SitMan/exercise have to focus on one and only one jurisdiction? Ex. An Independent City and neighboring county that is part of a single Health District and cooperate on many issues. Could they develop a shared SitMan, or would only one be eligible to participate?
If cooperating on the same issues and audiences, then it is fine to develop a SitMan and tabletop exercise in more than one locality.
Does it matter who submits the SitMan and who is the primary recipient of the prize money?
No, either the CBO or SLTT can submit the SitMan through, but the Cover Page should specify who will be the primary recipient of the prize money, as it should be only one organization. It is then up to the winners on how to distribute the prize money accordingly.
Is this challenge designed and managed like a Federal grant or contract?
This challenge process may sound similar to grants or contracts, but it differs in small and significant ways. In grants and contracts an agency receives proposals to do work and then pays the monetary award over a period of time as the work is done. In challenges, an agency makes a one-time monetary award to winner(s) for each of the published phases. Unlike contracts, which provide detailed and comprehensive specifications of the work that needs to be done, challenges define a smaller set of requirements, which allows participants to bring more of their own creativity to solutions. This challenge is designed to allow for participation from those who may not typically apply for Federal grants – those who may not have direct expertise in the problem subject matter area but can lend expertise from their diverse backgrounds.
Where can I find more information?
- Listen to the recording of the informational webinar:
- CDC's Extreme Heat and Your Health
- Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool
- Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool
- Climate Explorer
- NCEI's Climate at a Glance
- Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation Tool
Where are the templates I can use to assist in developing a SitMan?
If you have additional questions about this Challenge competition, please email
- Mobile, Alabama.
- Los Angeles, California.
- Riverside, California.
- Iowa City, Iowa.
- Baltimore, Maryland.
- Omaha, Nebraska.
- Washington County, Oregon.
- San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Austin, Texas.
- Pierce County, Washington.